
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Challenge 51 Holly or Poinsettia

Challenge #51 Poinsettia or Holly

Hello awesome friends. It is time for a new challenge and we are glad that you are here.

First up is the winner from our Sweet Treats challenge. Mr has selected
#18 DebbieM with this lovely Christmas card.


Congratulations! You have won a $15 Gift Voucher to the Scrapping Center. Please email Mari at the address in the right side bar. Please be patient with a response from Mari, she is traveling again.

Now for our top 3 as chosen by Crystal

 #4 *Vicki*

 #21 Jo L

  #45 Laura N

Before we get to this fortnights challenge, we would like to announce the birth of a beautiful baby girl to one of our designers, Yvonne. You can see a photo of the gorgeous baby on Yvonne's blog. Please stop by her blog and wish them well,

Our current challenge is sponsored by the fabulous Delicious Doodles!!!!

Prize: 4 digi images

Teri has such fantastic images and is a really sweet person too! If you are unfamiliar (or familiar) with her images, head over and give Teri some Creative Card Crew love.

Our challenge for you this fortnight is Holly or Poinsettia. We know that most of you are making Christmas cards now, so we thought it would be a great challenge for you.

Here is what the team did with some of Teri's Delicious Doodles images.



  1. Such gorgeous creations by the DT!! Thanks for choosing me among your top 3! I'm very honored! HUGS

  2. Very nice work DT thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Terrific theme and DT inspiration! Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas!

  4. Fab challenge and theme! thanks for the inspiration and fun! hugs me x

  5. Wow...beautiful design team samples. Love how they colored the Delicious Doodle stamps. Lovely work! Thank you for the "holly or poinsettia" challenge!

  6. Thank you so much for the top 3 honor!!! :)
